by Howard Hughes

April 3, 2023

5 Potential Reasons Your Washing Machine Is Leaking

Does your washing machine have a mysterious leak? If so, you’re not alone. Leaks are common in washing machines and can cause a lot of damage if left unchecked. You don’t want your laundry room to become a swimming pool!

Fortunately, there are several common causes for washing machine leaks that you can investigate to determine the source of the problem. These are five potential reasons your washing machine is leaking and what you can do to fix it.

Faulty Water Supply Hose

Most leaks in washing machines come from faulty water supply hoses. These hoses can become damaged or worn over time, leading to cracks or small holes that allow water to escape. It’s important to check these hoses regularly for signs of wear and tear and replace them as soon as possible.

Clogged Drain Hose

Another common culprit is a clogged drain hose. This hose carries away any excess water during the spin cycle, and if it becomes blocked, that extra water has nowhere to go but out of the side of the washer, usually through a small gap near the bottom or back panel. If this is the case with your washer, you should be able to clear out any blockages fairly easily with a bit of elbow grease and some pliers.

Overfilled Drum

An overfilled drum is another potential cause of washing machine leaks. When too much laundry goes into the machine during one cycle, it can cause an overflow, leading to leakage from the door or other weak points on the washer’s exterior. To avoid this issue, only put enough laundry in each load to fill up roughly two-thirds of the drum.

Damaged Seals

Another potential issue could be damaged seals around the door or lid, allowing water to escape the washer during use. If this happens, it might be time to replace those seals before further damage occurs.

Malfunctioning Components

Finally, malfunctioning components within the machine itself could also be causing the leak if none of these other issues are present or if you’ve already corrected them. 

For example, if something like a pump isn’t working correctly due to an electrical fault, then that could cause excessive water leakage from inside the washer itself whenever someone uses it. An appliance repair specialist would need to investigate this further.

Washing machine leaks can be incredibly frustrating, but with these potential causes in mind, you can start to determine what might be causing the issue and how to fix it. Getting a washing machine repair from a professional can also be a great idea if the problem seems too complex or dangerous to handle yourself.

Capitan Appliance can help you with your washing machine repair and other household appliance repairs. We have years of experience in the field and dedicate ourselves to providing quality service. Contact us today to learn how we can help you with appliance repair needs.

About the author 

Howard Hughes